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CoderByte assessments fall to ChatGPT

Posted on Sat 04 February 2023 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical, job search, chatgpt, ai interviews

CoderByte falls to ChatGPT just like the more well known interview assessment platforms. Here's my run down, and how I used ChatGPT to solve an easy, medium and hard problem in less than 5 minutes total.

Review of GitLab's 'TeamOps Certification' course

Posted on Thu 02 February 2023 in Review • Tagged with review, technical, learning

I've passed GitLab's TeamOps certification course. This is a review of the course.

Updating PHP and NextCloud

Posted on Mon 30 January 2023 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical

Nearly five years ago I installed NextCloud. This article talks about the challenges I faced updating to a new version of PHP for a modern version of NextCloud.

ChatGPT easily solves HackerRank questions

Posted on Sun 08 January 2023 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical, job search, chatgpt, ai interviews

HackerRank is a common tool companies use in interviews. This post continues the series on how ChatGPT can solve these interview problems.

Taking Codility's sample interview exam using ChatGPT

Posted on Thu 05 January 2023 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical, job search, chatgpt, ai interviews

I'm continuing my look at technical interview exam questions, this time with Codility, and using ChatGPT to show the process needs to change

Running CodeSignal questions through ChatGPT

Posted on Sun 01 January 2023 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical, job search, chatgpt, ai interviews

I am going to examine four sample CodeSignal questions and show how ChatGPT solves the problems.

Breaking TestGorilla interview questions with ChatGPT

Posted on Mon 26 December 2022 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical, job search, chatgpt, ai interviews

Using ChatGPT, I'm going to solve a couple interview questions from TestGorilla quickly, easily and with nothing more than copying and pasting.

Using ChatGPT to interact with an API

Posted on Tue 20 December 2022 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical, chatgpt

I'm going to take ChatGPT for a spin against an API that I know. Let's see what it's capable of producing.

Updating the design of the site

Posted on Thu 17 November 2022 in Side Activities • Tagged with technical, Pelican, meta

I've updated this site with a new theme and some under the hood improvements. This article covers those updates and what I hope to accomplish.

Review of Unreal Engine 5 Beginners Guide to Building an Environment

Posted on Tue 18 October 2022 in Review • Tagged with review, technical, learning, unreal engine

My review of the Unreal Engine 5 Beginners Guide to Building an Environment Udemy course