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Setting up and updating the Ericsity WLED Controller from 0.13.3 to 0.14.1

Posted on Thu 20 June 2024 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical

The Ericsity WLED controller comes with WLED 0.13.3 preinstalled and only offers the ability to update to 0.13.4. This walks through setting up the controller for the first time and moving to 0.14.1 while maintaining the sound reactive features the controller advertises.

Python Gotcha: strip, lstrip, rstrip can remove more than expected

Posted on Fri 29 March 2024 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical

The Python strip, lstrip, and rstrip functions can have unexpected behavior. Even though this is documented, non-default values passed to these functions can lead to unexpected results and how Python 3.9 solved this with two new functions.

Installing the Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) on Windows using Docker

Posted on Mon 19 February 2024 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical

A short article on installing the Mobile Security Framework on Windows utilizing Docker and then using it to quickly analyze an APK.

Review of Data Analysis with Polars Udemy course

Posted on Mon 29 January 2024 in Review • Tagged with review, technical, learning

A review of the Udemy course: Data Analysis with Polars

Review of Learn Data Analytics with Polars (Python) Course

Posted on Thu 25 January 2024 in Review • Tagged with review, technical, learning

A review of the Udemy course: Learn Data Analytics with Polars (Python) in just 2 hours!

Review of Learn Github Actions for CI/CD DevOps Pipelines Course

Posted on Mon 22 January 2024 in Review • Tagged with review, technical, learning

A review of the Udemy course: Learn Github Actions for CI/CD DevOps Pipelines

Python Gotcha: Modifying a list while iterating

Posted on Wed 03 January 2024 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical

Python makes it easy to modify a list while you are iterating through it's elements. This will bite you. Read on to find out how and what can be done about it.

Python Gotcha: List Copy Problems

Posted on Wed 20 December 2023 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical

Copying a Python list (or any mutable object) isn't as simple as setting one equal to another. Let's discuss a better way to do this.

Python Gotcha: Timezone Naive Functions like utcnow() and utcfromtimestamp()

Posted on Thu 23 November 2023 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical

utcnow() and utcfromtimestamp() don't know about timezones and that causes problems. Let's talk about those, how to fix the problem and their recent deprecation in Python 3.12

Ruby Gotcha: Operator Precedence

Posted on Mon 23 October 2023 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical

In Ruby you can use either and or &&. You can use or or ||. What's is the difference and what's the catch?