Who am I?

My name is Andy Wegner.

I lead, grow and mentor engineering teams in many industries. I'm currently VP of Strategic Software at a telecommunications company. I've worked as VP of Software Engineering at another telecom company, Director of Engineering at a transportation logistics company and at a company working to improve the hiring process for engineers. I've been an individual contributor at a large manuafacturing company. I've built global teams of engineers and delivered solutions that impact customers worldwide. I've personally built software that covers every aspect of a product's lifecycle in multiple industries.

I was the community owner of Team Vipers for 5 years. Vipers was a gaming community, focused mainly around Team Fortress 2, but we dabbled in other games for brief periods of time. I helped the community prosper. I also built a lot of software to help me in managing the community.

I am an elected Moderator on Stack Overflow and participate across the rest of the Stack Exchange network. I am a former moderator on Community Building and Hardware Recommendations as well. I've also built a few tools to help keep the low quality content off the Stack Exchange network.

Recent Posts

Review of Udemy's Deep Learning Prerequisites - Linear and Logistic Regression courses

Posted on Wed 03 May 2017 in Review • Tagged with review, technical, learning

My review of the Deep Learning Prerequisites - Linear and Logistic Regression courses on Udemy.

Choosing an ORM library for a new project

Posted on Wed 26 April 2017 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical, programming

A discussion about how a team picked an ORM library for a new project.

Review of Udemy's 'Deep Learning Prerequisites: The Numpy Stack in Python' course

Posted on Thu 20 April 2017 in Review • Tagged with review, technical, learning

My review of "Deep Learning Prerequisites: The Numpy Stack in Python" on Udemy.

Review of Udemy's 'Become a Product Manager | Learn the Skills & Get the job' course

Posted on Thu 20 April 2017 in Review • Tagged with review, technical, learning

My review of "Become a Product Manager | Learn the Skills & Get the job" on Udemy.

Can a machine be taught to flag spam automatically

Posted on Sun 19 February 2017 in Programming Projects • Tagged with Stack Exchange, machine learning, automation, programming

Description of how a group of people helped completely eliminate spam on the Stack Exchange network

Review of Udemy's 'From 0 to 1: Machine Learning, NLP and Python - Cut to the Chase' course

Posted on Wed 28 December 2016 in Review • Tagged with review, technical, learning

My review of "From 0 to 1: Machine Learning, NLP and Python - Cut to the Chase" on Udemy.

Review of Udemy's 'Data Analysis with Pandas' course

Posted on Fri 09 December 2016 in Review • Tagged with review, technical, learning

My review of "Data Analysis with Pandas" on Udemy.

Third time's the charm?

Posted on Sun 06 November 2016 in Side Activities • Tagged with Stack Exchange, moderation

It's been a year since Stack Overflow's last election. I'm running again. Will the third time be the charm, or third strike and I'm out?

My experiences releasing a package to PyPI

Posted on Tue 15 March 2016 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical

I released StackAPI to PyPI. This post talks about my experiences.

How I built a Flask application that integrates with Travis CI and OpenShift

Posted on Fri 11 December 2015 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical

A walkthrough on how I set up a Flask application on OpenShift and used TravisCI to deploy it