Who am I?

My name is Andy Wegner.

I lead, grow and mentor engineering teams in many industries. I'm currently VP of Strategic Software at a telecommunications company. I've worked as VP of Software Engineering at another telecom company, Director of Engineering at a transportation logistics company and at a company working to improve the hiring process for engineers. I've been an individual contributor at a large manuafacturing company. I've built global teams of engineers and delivered solutions that impact customers worldwide. I've personally built software that covers every aspect of a product's lifecycle in multiple industries.

I was the community owner of Team Vipers for 5 years. Vipers was a gaming community, focused mainly around Team Fortress 2, but we dabbled in other games for brief periods of time. I helped the community prosper. I also built a lot of software to help me in managing the community.

I am an elected Moderator on Stack Overflow and participate across the rest of the Stack Exchange network. I am a former moderator on Community Building and Hardware Recommendations as well. I've also built a few tools to help keep the low quality content off the Stack Exchange network.

Recent Posts

Can a machine be taught to flag comments automatically

Posted on Fri 02 January 2015 in Programming Projects • Tagged with Stack Exchange, machine learning, automation, programming

Description of how I automatically flag comments on Stack Overflow

Moderation postion on Moderators

Posted on Wed 02 July 2014 in Side Activities • Tagged with Stack Exchange, moderation

I've thrown my hat into the ring for a moderation position on Stack Exchange's newest site: Moderators

How to appeal a ban effectively

Posted on Tue 22 April 2014 in Vipers • Tagged with team vipers, moderation

Following up on last week's post about improper ways to appeal, this post shows effective appeals and why they worked

How NOT to appeal a ban

Posted on Mon 14 April 2014 in Vipers • Tagged with team vipers, moderation

I'm reasonable. The other Vipers admins are reasonable. We'll listen to your ban appeal, unless you do some of this...

Mann Vs Vipers Beaten!

Posted on Thu 05 December 2013 in Vipers • Tagged with team vipers, community

It took months and endless hours of trying, but it's been done. Wave 9 has been beaten.

I had a secret addiction to the TF2 idling economy but I'm better now (honest)

Posted on Tue 13 August 2013 in Side Activities • Tagged with automation, programming, gaming

Hi everyone, I'm Andy, and I used to idle.

Give some refined, Win some prizes

Posted on Mon 25 February 2013 in Vipers • Tagged with team vipers, automation, community, programming

The new raffle bot is introduced to the community

Homing projectiles are awesome!

Posted on Sat 30 June 2012 in Vipers • Tagged with team vipers, programming

Pyro is an under utilized class on the Crit server. This post explains how I've fixed that.

Monitoring Language on the game servers

Posted on Sun 22 April 2012 in Vipers • Tagged with team vipers, automation, programming

Team Vipers is proud of it's friendly atmosphere. This post describes how I automated a large part of the process

Connect Python to OSI Soft PI

Posted on Tue 07 February 2012 in Technical Solutions • Tagged with technical

How I connected Python to OSI Soft PI